
Prosiłbym o pomoc, potrzebuje na dzisiaj.

Prosiłbym O Pomoc Potrzebuje Na Dzisiaj class=

Odpowiedź :


1. Do you know if he had sent the email already?

2. Could you tell me if I can print the file?

3. Have you any idea if we will need earphones?

4. Can you tell me if Maria has bought a new camera?

5. Do you know if they deleted the message?

1. Who were they chatting to?

2. How should I log in?

3. Where is the pen drive?

4. Which browser did you use?

5. How often does the technician check the laptops?

1. Do you know if he installed that software?

2. Have you any idea if he is coming back?

3. Could you tell me what his number is?

4. Could you tell me what his name is?

1. Can you tell me if they are going to change the settings?

2. Have you any idea where had she worked before?

3. Do you know if he used crowdfunding to raise the money?

4. Could you tell me if the screen has frozen?

Wydaje mi się ok :)
