Pomoże ktoś nie rozumiem zadanie 2 3 4 5 6

Nie jestem tylko pewna podpunktu 3 w zad. 3, bo pisze w poleceniu, że max 3 wyrazy, a mi tam 4 pasują.
Zad. 2
W tym zadaniu musisz użyć 1 okresu warunkowego, czyli struktura
If + present simple + will
1) If you join the indoor climbing club today, we will give you a 25% discount.
2) If i dont get a good report, I will talk to my form tutor.
3) She won't go to school tomorrow if she feels ill.
4) He'll hand in his homeworh tomorrow if he finishes it tonight.
5) If they are absent from school again, the head techer will speak to their parents.
6) If you dont get a 6 in maths, I will be very surprised.
Zad. 3
1) If you're late again tomorrow, YOU WILL GET detention.
2) We wont play tennis this afternoon if IT RAINS.
3) If she DONT HAND IN her homework today, the teacher won't be happy.
Zad. 4
To też musisz uzupełnić zgodnie z 1 okresem warunkowym.
1) Your feet will hurt, If you dont wear trainers.
2) He wont pass his violin exam, If he don't practice his technique.
3) If I join the the cookery club, I will learn how to make my favourite dish.
4) If we are absent from school, Our form tutor will call our parents.
5) He wont get a place in the dance club, If he dont fill in the form.
Zad. 5
Tutaj musisz użyć 0 okresu warunkowego czyli
If/when + present, present simple
1) If I eat nuts, I feel sick.
2) When it rains, we get wet.
3) When the sun goes down, it is dark.
4) If you add two and five, you get seven.
5) If you dont eat, you get hungry.
6) When my dog barks, my cat hides under the bed.
Zad. 6
Przykładowe zdania:
1) If our teacher is late for class, we will wait for him.
2) If I get a good report, I will talk to you.
3) If I get detention, my mom will be angry.