
Read the text quickly. Choose the best summary of Martha's blog (A-C). A Lots of people read Martha's blog and helped to raise money for school meals in Africa. B Martha's blog raised money for lots of schools all around the world. ( Lots of people came to visit Martha's school because of her blog. NeverSeconds* When Martha Payne from Scotland was just nine years old, she started a food blog. Her blog, called NeverSeconds, was about her school lunches. Sometimes, she loved her school lunch, and sometimes she hated it. Sometimes, she only ate a little food for lunch and felt hungry in the afternoon. As well as giving a comment, she gave her school lunch a rating for how healthy it was, how many mouthfuls she ate and how many hairs she found in her food! Martha's blog got more than 10 million visitors from all around the world. ? In some countries, there were healthy school lunches, full of vitamins, with lots of organic fruit and vegetables and in other countries there were unhealthy school lunches with too much fat and too many sugary drinks. In some countries, students didn't receive any dessert if they didn't finish their mair course. 3 Mary's Meals provides meals for schools in East Africa. Martha's blog raised more than £110,000 for Mary's Meals. This was enough money to feed 10,000 children in Africa for a year. Now, I know that the most important thing is the friends it has brought have given each other.'​

Odpowiedź :

Zadanie polega na przeczytaniu tekstu i wybraniu odpowiedniego zdania, które go podsumowuje.

A Lots of people read Martha's blog and helped to raise money for school meals in Africa.

B Martha's blog raised money for lots of schools all around the world.

C Lots of people came to visit Martha's school because of her blog.

NeverSeconds* When Martha Payne from Scotland was just nine years old, she started a food blog. Her blog, called NeverSeconds, was about her school lunches. Sometimes, she loved her school lunch, and sometimes she hated it. Sometimes, she only ate a little food for lunch and felt hungry in the afternoon. As well as giving a comment, she gave her school lunch a rating for how healthy it was, how many mouthfuls she ate and how many hairs she found in her food! Martha's blog got more than 10 million visitors from all around the world. ? In some countries, there were healthy school lunches, full of vitamins, with lots of organic fruit and vegetables and in other countries there were unhealthy school lunches with too much fat and too many sugary drinks. In some countries, students didn't receive any dessert if they didn't finish their main course. 3 Mary's Meals provides meals for schools in East Africa. Martha's blog raised more than £110,000 for Mary's Meals. This was enough money to feed 10,000 children in Africa for a year. Now, I know that the most important thing is the friends it has brought have given each other.'​

Poprawna odpowiedź to odpowiedź A

Lots of people read Martha's blog and helped to raise money for school meals in Africa.

Blog Marty pomógł zebrać pieniądze na posiłki dla dzieci w afrykańskich szkołach.

Jest o tym mowa w tym fragmencie:

Martha's blog raised more than £110,000 for Mary's Meals. This was enough money to feed 10,000 children in Africa for a year.

(Blog Marty zebrał ponad 110 000 funtów na posiłki Mary. To wystarczyło na wyżywienie 10 000 dzieci w Afryce przez rok.)