Read the dialogue. Then write a full report of it, questions and statements.

W tym zadaniu musimy przepisać dialog, używając mowy zależnej.
Rose asked Daniel what he planned to do when he left university.
Daniel said that he was going to university and that he had always wanted to be an engineer.
Rose told him that it was a good career and that he would be able to get a good job if he did that.
Daniel also asked her what she wanted to do.
She responded that she was interested in journalism.
He asked if she would have to study for that, or if she could look for a job straight after school.
She answered that most journalists had gone a degree, so she would probably go to university too.
Daniel asked what sort of journalism interested her.
She said that she was interested in online journalism.
He asked if she had dome much writing already.
Rose told him that she had written for a school website and that she had her own blog.
Mowy zależnej (reported speech) używamy, żeby zdać relację z tego, co ktoś powiedział. Stosujemy wtedy backshift of tenses, czyli cofamy się o jeden czas. Na przykład:
Czyli jeśli mamy na przykład:
John: I need some help. = John said that he needed some help.