
Napisz w języku angielskim
odpowiedzi na pytania:
1. How important is sport in your life?
2. How many hours a week do you devote to physical activities? (including PE lessons )
3.What do you do during PE at school. Do you like the way it is? If not what would you change?
4. What do you recommend to keep fit?
5. What sporting events do you watch on TV most often?
6. Dou you have your favourite teams or sports people?
7. Do you/did you play in a school team ot other teams outside school?

Odpowiedź :

1. Sport is one of the most important things in my life, it keeps me fit and healthy.
2. I am training a lot more hours than only PE activities, I think its about 20 hours.
3. During my PE lessons at school we mainly play handball. Sometimes we doing athletic outdoor. I very like the way of training, because we are working on every muscle in our body.
4. To keep fit we need to eat less high calorie food, like fastfoods. The most important is movement outdoor.
5. In the TV most often I watching football championships or sometimes volleyball , when Polish Team is playing.
6. My favourite football team is definetly " team " and his captain " nazwisko kapitana " they are so good in this sport and I always loves to watch them.
7. Actually I was playing in regional handball team as a goalkeeper. We won a lot of trophies together. I would love to back to these times.