Proszè pomocy całą strona

1 Stamps are collected by Peter.
2 TV is watched by us.
3 Pictures are painted by Mary.
4 Bread is baked by a baker.
5 Grass is eaten by cows.
6 Photos are taken by me.
7 Meals are cooked by our mother.
8 The washing is done by you.
1 The alarm-clock is set by me.
2 Glasses are worn by John.
3 The rooms are cleaned by us.
4 The grass is cut by Mr Turner.
5 Monica is loved by Tom.
6 Food is bought by you.
7 Karate is taught by them.
8 Flowers are sold by the woman.
1 A letter is being written by Eva.
2 The bike is being repaired by Mr Grey.
3 The bus is being driven by you.
4 The newspaper is being read by me.
5 The coffee is being drunk by Lisa.
6 The road is being mended by the workers.
7 A cigarette is being smoked by him.
8 Music is being played by Michael.
1 A boat is being built by me.
2 Shopping is being done by Vicky.
3 Jokes are being told by my father.
4 Lunch is being eaten by you.
5 The map is being used by the men.
6 Trees are being destroyed by the storm.
7 A parcel is being carried by him.
8 English is being learnt by them.