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Welcome to my blog, today i am going to share with you my shopping customs.

So many of you asked if i like going shopping? And the answear is yes of course, but lets make it clear i am so enthusiastic when it comes to books and thrifting. Why i like it so much? Ummm, the answear is simple and it may be a little weird for some of you but I am going outside only for shopping.

Most of the time im going thrifting by myself, im not actually a type of person who loves having people around, so yea. I have 3 lumpxes which i love and go there every friday. They are placed in___ and___. And books im buying online in___, because it's cheaper.

Sometimes i also get questions about my attidue towards online shopping, as you can see i don't have anything against and i am oftenly benefit it.

That's all for today, thanks for being with me and reading,

See y'all soon