Help bro już chyba z 40 m szukam dam 80 p

1 see you
2 great idea
3 my best
4 id better
hi xyz last week with my family we moved to the new city of harlow mill the most important thing is school I have a lot of friends there they give great lunches but the best teachers speak very well and clearly they will always answer you and never get angry which does not mean that they neglect their duties, that is they write unpreparedness and can put a bad mark for not learning, which is very important to me because I don't like when others laze and I learn hard, this is the first part of my messages and I will keep you informed bye
have you got this t shirt in green
yes we have what size are you
extra large
here you are
thank you can i try it on
of course the changing room is over there
(ostatnie troche niedokładnie zdania ale domyślisz się)