Napisz zdania twierdzące w czasie 'Present Perfect'.

George has just cleaned his room.
You have already eaten your lunch.
We have missed our bus.
I have just taken a photo.
Mr Grey has already opened his shop.
My parents have bought a new house.
The thief has stolen our money.
She has forgotten my phone number.
Ann and Sue have watched the game.
He has just read the long story.
Nick has broken his leg.
I have already seen the comedy.
They have brought some food.
Mr Jones has repaired my car.
The children have already got up.
Czas Present Perfect tworzymy poprzed dodanie czasownika 'have' oraz 3 formy czasownika. Wyjątkiem jest 3 osoba liczby mnogiej, gdzie zamieniamy 'have' na 'has'.