
3 Read texts A-D again and answer

the following questions.

1 Text A: Who hasn't been to the Indoor

Climbing Club before?

2 Text B: Where are Jay's trainers?

3 Text C: What is the cost of three


4 Text D: What is Lorna doing before

4 o'clock on Saturday?

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiadamy na pytania na podstawie tekstów A-D. Teksty nie były podane, ale wydaje mi się że chodzi o te które podaje poniżej.

1. Text A: Jake hasn't been to the Indoor Climbing Club before.

2. Text B: Jay's shoes were left at the Sports Centre, at the Badminton Club.

3. Text C. The cost of three sessions is £24. (Jedna sesja kosztuje £8, więc [tex]8*3=24[/tex])

4. Text D. Before 4 p.m. on Saturday, Lorna has tennis lessons.

Text A

New message

Hi Jake,

I'm so glad you've signed up for the indoor climbing club today. I think you'll really enjoy it. It starts at half past four at the sports centre. Bring some trainers! See you there!


Text B

New message


Are you going to the sports centre later today? I left my trainers there when I was at the badminton club. Can you look for them, please? Don't forget we're meeting tonight at six.


Text C.

Bring trainers, wear loose clothing to have fun! At the Indoor Climbing Club youl'll

  • get fitter and stronger,
  • learn how to climb safely,
  • improve your skills,
  • meet new people.

The club meets every Monday afternoon at Barnsfield Sports Centre.

Just £8 per one-hour session, or £35 for 5 sessions.

Text D.

Hi Lorna,

1. She's going to show people how to decorate a cake.

2. A new cookery club is opening at the Corner Café and I thought we could check it out.

3. What are you doing on Saturday after your tennis lesson?

4. It's from four till five o'clock and the teacher is the head chef at the Café.

See you there?


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