
4 Dopasuj wypowiedzi A-F do sytuacji 1-6.
Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie.
Who Says
What, When
and Where?
1 You don't know whether
your friend liked the show.
Ask her.
2 You text your friend about the film you
didn't like
3 You don't think your friend is right. Tell him/her.
4 You think the play was horrible, but you say it in
a more delicate way.
5 You're telling your friend about a wildlife
documentary you've just seen.
6 You agree with your friend's opinion about the
concert. Express it.
A think it wasn't very good.
B Exactly!
C How did you like it?
DI'm sorry, but I think you're wrong.
E It was rubbish.
F it's worth watching if you're into whales.

Odpowiedź :

1 - C
2 - E
3 - D
4 - A
5 - F
6 - B