
Kandydujesz w wyborach na przewodniczącego samorządu uczniowskiego. Napisz e-mail do kolego z Anglii, który w zeszłym roku został przewodniczącym w swojej szkole. W emailu :
-wyjasnij, dlaczego chcesz kandydatac
-przedstaw krótko swoich kandydatów
-zapytaj kolegę jak przebiegła jego kampania i poproś o radę.
E-mail powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 słów

Odpowiedź :

Hi (imię kolegi)

How are you doing?
I'm doing well.
I'm writing this email because I am running for the school president. I want to be school president because i have lots of ideas for school. Of course, I am not the only candidate for being president of school. There is two candidates and me. Mary, candidate number one. She is very smart and once was the president of the school. Second candidate is Jack. He is smart too and students likes him very much. The third candidate is me.
I want to ask how your election campaign went. I would also like to ask for advice on campaigning. This is my first time and i don't know what to do.
I hope that you will help me because you were once a president of school. I will wait for your respond.

(Imię twoje)
