
Prosze o przetlumaczenie na jezyk angielski

Droga ciociu
Zgadnij co sie stało! Byłam z resztą rodziny na plaży, ale również wzięliśmy swojego psa by mógł popluskać się w wodzie zwłaszcza że dni są bardzo gorące. Pies przez chwilę pluskał się w wodzie, ale nagle podbiegł do jakiejś kobiety, wziął do pyska piłkę plażową która od razu pękła i biegał po plaży przewracając innych spacerujących. Był szybki i ciężko było go złapać. Jednak jakiś mężczyzna szybko zauważył psa i złapał go. Podziękowaliśmy mu i wróciliśmy do miejsca w którym przesiadywaliśmy. Oddaliśmy w ramach przeprosin naszą piłkę plażową kobiecie. Po tej całej sytuacji nasz pies odpoczywał blisko wody, a potem jeszcze na chwilę bawił się w wodzie. Nie ukrywam, że byliśmy źli na naszego psa ale szybko wrócił dobry humor. Gdy piszę ten list jest już wieczór tego samego dnia i czekam aż rodzice rozpalą ognisko by usiąść i porozmawiać o różnych rzeczach i dzisiejszej sytuacji. A jak tobie mijają wakacje ciociu? ​

Odpowiedź :


Dear Auntie Guess what happened! I was with the rest of the family at the beach, but we also took our dog so he could splash in the water, especially since the days are very hot. The dog splashed in the water for a moment, but suddenly it ran up to some woman, picked up a beach ball which broke immediately and ran along the beach, knocking over other walkers. He was fast and was hard to catch. However, a man spotted the dog quickly and caught it. We thanked him and returned to where we were hanging out. We gave our beach ball to the woman as an apology. After this whole situation, our dog rested close to the water, and then played in the water for a while. I must admit that we were angry with our dog, but our good mood quickly returned. As I write this letter, it is the evening of the same day and I am waiting for my parents to light a fire to sit down and talk about various things and today's situation. How are your holidays, Auntie?


Dear Auntie

Guess what happened! I was with the rest of the family at the beach, but we also took our dog so he could splash in the water, especially since the days are very hot. The dog splashed in the water for a moment, but suddenly it ran up to some woman, picked up a beach ball which broke immediately and ran along the beach, knocking over other walkers. He was fast and was hard to catch. However, a man spotted the dog quickly and caught it. We thanked him and returned to where we were hanging out. We gave our beach ball to the woman as an apology. After this whole situation, our dog rested close to the water, and then played in the water for a while. I must admit that we were angry with our dog, but our good mood quickly returned. As I write this letter, it is the evening of the same day and I am waiting for my parents to light a fire to sit down and talk about various things and today's situation. How are your holidays, Auntie

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