
Plisssss pomocy!!!!! Daje naj i 40 punktów jeśli ktoś zrobi mi te zadania do tego tekstu!!!!!

Plisssss Pomocy Daje Naj I 40 Punktów Jeśli Ktoś Zrobi Mi Te Zadania Do Tego Tekstu class=

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zd 1

B,D,A, C

Zd 3

1.Elf must be quiet because he doesn't want to wake up sleeping dragon.

2. Elf falls over because he tripped over a stone.

3. Yes, the dragon is angry.

4. Koobak speaks to dragon in dragonic.

5. Dragon wants Koobak to teach him some Elvish.

zd 4

1. accent


3. shouts

4 change

zd 5.

1.elf is angry because the dragon was laughing at him.

2. I think that elf and dragon will become friends.