Hejka. Mam nadzieje ze będzie dobrze. 1.How old are you? 2. Who is he? 3. When you were born? Where are you from? 4. Who is the woman? 5. ? 6. What features he has? 7. Where he was born? 8.Where do you live? 9. When his uncle was born? 10. ? 11. Are you old? 12.Is he your brother? 13. Is she Billy’s sister? 14. Where does he work? 15. ? 16. When you get up? 17. Are you from Poland? 18. When the concert starts? 19. ?
Sorki ze nie wszystkie i ze pokręcona numeracja.
Wszystko jest po kolei. Tylko jednego numerka przy 3 zabrakło Nie chce mi się poprawiać.