
Podaj dwie różne interpretacje, aby pokazać, w jaki sposób
poniższe zdania są strukturalnie i/lub leksykalnie niejednoznaczne.

1: Provide two different interpretations to show how each of
the sentences below is structurally and/or lexically ambiguous.
(a) I found her a good teacher.
(b) Ageing politicians and sopranos should retire.
(c) Bill did not kiss Emma because he wanted to go out with her.
(d) John hit Bill and then he hit Fred.
(e) Fiona's parents make her study hard.
(f) Landing planes can be dangerous.

Odpowiedź :


I think she is a good teacher.

I literally found a good teacher for her.


Politicians who age (=get older and older) should retire.

People should stop making comments about politicans' aging.


The reason for Bill's having not kissed Emma was that he wanted to go out with her (=that was the entry condition).

The reason for Bill's having not kissed Emma was that the was another person that Bill wanted to go out with.


''he'' refers to John

''he'' refers to Fred


It is hard for Fiona to study because of her parents (=they are noisy, etc.)

Fiona's parents force her to study a lot.


Planes that land = landing planes ("landing" modifies "planes")

Landing planes = the activity of lading itself can be dangerous