
Czy ten email jest napisany w miarę poprawnie?
Pytam,ponieważ za niedługo egzaminy i chce wiedzieć co mogę ewentualnie poprawić pisząc email.

Hi Daniel,
I hope you had a great day. I want to tell you about new cinema in my town.
Yesterday I watching „Mr. Bean” in there. It was awesome. The seats was
very comfortable and high. There was a small shop with so many snacks and candys.
The film was so funny and hilarious.Furthermore the main character was my favourite
movie actor. I eat a lot of jelly candy and drunk much coke. I had a lot of fun. Unfortunately
when I’m going home I saw a cat who was eating a small bird on the pavement. It was a discusting view and now I can’t stop thinking about it.
Write back soon!

Odpowiedź :


Hi Daniel,

I hope you had a great day. I want to tell you about the new cinema in my town.

Yesterday I watched „Mr. Bean” there. It was awesome. The seats were very comfortable and high. There was a small shop with so many snacks and candy. The film was so funny and hilarious. Furthermore the main character was played by my favourite movie actor. I eat a lot of jelly candy and drunk a lot of coke. I had a lot of fun. Sadly when I was going home I saw a cat who was eating a small bird on the pavement. It was a disgusting view and now I can’t stop thinking about it.

Write back soon!



Ogólnie jest ok. Masz troche kłopot z odmianą.

Poćwicz troche i będzie git. Zainstaluj se Grammarly w przeglądarce i będziesz miał super autokorekte.