
Potrzebuję pilnie pomocy bardzo potrzebuję tego zadania!!!!!
Pomoże ktoś napisać opis obrazka?
Daje najj ​

Cześć Potrzebuję Pilnie Pomocy Bardzo Potrzebuję Tego Zadania Pomoże Ktoś Napisać Opis Obrazka Daje Najj class=

Odpowiedź :


In the picture I see four people, including two young men. One of the woman seems to be a teacher, which might be assumed by the stuff being hold by her. However, the men are sitting while the women are standing, so maybe they are at the service and are asking whether the gents need anything to start their job. They are all wearing outfits typical for educational institutions. I guess they are in a classroom because of the map behind them and notebooks on the table which all four are around.
