
Correct the errors in the sentences. See Tools for Quick tips from the Grammar reference.

1. I’ve had my new computer (in) 2003. It’s really out-of-date.

2. He (is) a teacher since 1975 - he must be retiring soon.

3. Have you (never gone) to a rock concert with your parents ?

4. I’ve (ever) made paella, but I’m going to do it for the first time today!

5. We haven’t (finished yet this exercise). Can we have five more minutes?

6. How long (has you) been working there? Don’t you get bored?

7. I (haven’t travelled) abroad much when I was young.

8. We (were) so busy recently - and there’s still lots to do!

9. Has your car (repaired) already? That was fast!

10. A terrible accident has (been happened) on the M40 motorway.

11. I’m sorry, I have to leave! I(‘m) been waiting for hours!

12. I (have tried) to print this for ten minutes.

13. She’s (been having) that book for ages.

Odpowiedź :


1. I’ve had my new computer since 2003. It’s really out-of-date.
2. He has been (= He's been) a teacher since 1975 - he must be retiring soon.
3. Have you ever gone to a rock concert with your parents?
4. I’ve never made paella, but I’m going to do it for the first time today!
5. We haven’t finished this exercise yet. Can we have five more minutes?
6. How long have you been working there? Don’t you get bored?
7. I didn't travel abroad much when I was young.
8. We've been so busy recently - and there’s still lots to do!
9. Has your car been repaired already? That was fast!
10. A terrible accident has happened on the M40 motorway.
11. I’m sorry, I have to leave! I've been waiting for hours!
12. I've been tring to print this for ten minutes.
13. She’s had that book for ages.


Zdania (1-6, 8-13) są w czasie Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous. W zdaniu musi być czasownik have w odpowiedniej formie (have lub has) oraz czasownik w III formie (past participle).
Zdanie 7 jest w Past Simple.

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