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I have recently taken part in a big event in my
potrzebuje na jutro!!!

Odpowiedź :

I have recently taken part in a big event in my town. This year, like every year, in April, we celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of our town. The number of different attractions and events is so big that I will not even try to list all of them here. I will tell you only about the ones I liked most.

Our foundation days started on Friday night and ended on Sunday night. On both nights we had a big party in front of our town hall. You may not believe it but on Friday night we could listen to Dawid Podsiadło and on Sunday, the stage belonged to Beata Kozidrak (my mom was delighted) and Brodka (all of us were delighted - she is incredible). Yes, all these artists were performing in my small town! Isn't it cool?!

I think I do not need to write more to convince you to come to visit my town next year. Remember: it's always the third Friday of April. See you in a year time.

Notatka powyżej ma 174 słowa. Możesz ją dowolnie skrócić.