
DAJE NAJJ!! Opisz swój pokój(może być zmyślony) Napisz w jakim rodzaju domu mieszkasz( tu może być dom wolnostojący- detached house) i na końcu napisz co sądzisz o swoim pokoju.​

Odpowiedź :

I live in detached house with my family. My room is pretty small. A year ago, we painted the walls brown and white to make it a little bit cozy. There is one bed beside the wall and second one under the window because I share a room with brother. We have only one desk but it’s big enough for us. By the door there is a huge wardrobe where we storage clothes, shoes and some things like christmas lights. We also have TV hanging on the wall. As i said it’s pretty small but I feel comfortable in it, same as my brother so it’s not that bad.