
W zeszłym tygodniu nie mogłeś/mogłaś pojechać z koleżanką na koncert z powodu problemu
zdrowotnego. Napisz e-mail. W wiadomości:
• wyjaśnij, co ci dolegało,
• napisz, co robiłeś/robiłaś w tym czasie,
• podziękuj za zdjęcia z koncertu i wyraź swoją
opinię na ich temat.
Użyj max 80 słow

Odpowiedź :


Hi Sara,

   Sorry i couldn't go with you to the concert but I was sick and I vomited.

When you where there I went to the Doctor and he gave me alot of medicines. When I got alittle bit better i went to the park with my dog.

Thanks for pictures from show I'm glad you had fun and you had beutifull dress that day. I hope we will see on next concert.




Hi Zoe,

Sorry, I didn't go with you but I had had  an accident. While walking down a street I was talking on my mobile when I got hit by a pushchair. I fell down to the ground and, as it appeared, I broke my leg and twisted my ankle. Instead of being at the concert, I was in hospital having a surgery on my leg. Luckily, they didn't cut if off.

Thank you for the pictures, I love them all, but my favourite is with you singing. The concert must have been great.

Take care!

