
Zadanie 13 Final test Niedawno opublikowales/opublikowałaś swoje pierwsze wideo na swoim kanale. W e-mailu do znajomego z Londynu: napisz, o czym jest Twój filmik, • wyjaśnij, jakimi tematami będziesz się zajmował zajmowała, publikując na swoim kanale i dlaczego właśnie tymi, * poinformuj, o czym będzie Twoje drugie nagranie. pkt e-mail do: [email protected] DOO temat: I'm famous! Hi Eddie Guess what? Three days ago I posted my first clip on my channel. Everyone says that it's great, and I already have over 200 followers!

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Zadanie 13 Final Test Niedawno Opublikowalesopublikowałaś Swoje Pierwsze Wideo Na Swoim Kanale W Emailu Do Znajomego Z Londynu Napisz O Czym Jest Twój Filmik Wy class=

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Hi Eddie

Guess what? Three days ago I posted my first clip on my channel. Everyone says that it's great, and alredy have over 200 followers! The video is about bugs and their diffrent races and colors. In this clip I was presenting much types of bugs and I was talking about really iteresting informations about them. I'm going to post more videos about animals and plants, because I think it's really interesting topic, and I love reading about it. I'm planning to post more videos, and I was thinking what can I show next. Then I was looking for informations about plants and I did photos so the next clip is going to be about plants! I have to go now because I have to do my homework, have a nice day bye!

Moga byc bledy wiec przepraszam! Ale mam nadzieje ze pomoglam :D