
HELP LUDZIE PROSZE mam na jutro a nie chce spisywać z neta bo pani nie raz mnie nakryła że spisywałam. Mam po angielsku napisać przepis na wybrane ciasto itd.

Odpowiedź :


Brownie z masłem orzechowym ( powinno byćdobre)


Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C. Prepare it to the size of 20 cm x 30 cm, grease it with butter and line it with some paper for preparation.

Melt the butter in a saucepan and put it on the fire. Wait 2 bitter chocolates (200 g) broken into cubes and sugar and, stirring all the time, melt and set aside from the heat. Do not overheat the mass too much.

In the bowl offered, mix or blend the eggs. Hello, melted chocolate with butter and mix until smooth.

Wait for me to take it out, go on, break the chocolate into cubes, connect it and lead it to the next plate.

Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes, until the dough is no longer raw. Completely cool.


Whip cold maspone with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until triple (approx. 3 minutes at medium speed). Hello peanut butter and blend until ingredients are combined. Put on the brownie and put in the fridge.


Melt the broken cubes of chocolate with walnut (available or in the microwave), put it on the mass and spread it on another platform. Put in the fridge for about an hour. Dessert in the fridge.


Other versions of the service: we use only 1 chocolate and make patterns on the surface of the cake or grate 100 g of chocolate or sprinkle with cocoa and cinnamon or make SALTED CARAMEL.