Odpowiedź :
Passive voice - strona bierna
Local shop owners in Wenlock (1) are expected (expect) to see more business coming their way, as hundreds of art lovers (2) can be seen (can/see) arriving in the town for the opening of the Wenlock Art Gallery. Art and sculptures from some of Wenlock's greatest artists (3) are displayed (display) at the gallery this week. According to the organisers, a large number of people (4) is supposed (suppose) to attend the event as most of the tickets for today's opening (5) have already been sold (already/sell) so far. In yesterday's press conference the organisers promised that any profits they make will be given to local charities.
Tworzenie strony biernej polega na użyciu czasownika "to be" w odpowiednim czasie i past participle (z końcówką "-ed" czasowników regularnych lub 3. formy w przypadku czasowników nieregularnych).