
ey said American websites use shopping cart British websites talk about delivery, American websites talk about shipping some train ed speed 1 * Choose the correct options. 1 Are the delivery and billing address / list the same? 2 Read the refund policy / code before you buy. 3 It's fascinating looking back through your browsing options / history 4 I thought I'd put it in the shopping details/basket, but it's disappeared! 5 I never bother reading the reviews / accounts - it ? takes too long. 2 ** Complete the text with the words in the box. click and collect delivery options payment details promotion code wishlist orted spell s and obje 1 get very confused when I try to buy anything online. I sometimes save things to my instead of my shopping basket and then wonder where they've gone! When I get to the section, I can never decide whether to pay more and get it faster, or to wait a bit longer and save money. And I really can't see the point of - you might as well just go to the shop if they aren't going to bring it to? your door And then, when I've filled in all the and completed the purchase, I suddenly remember that I I could have used for have as a discount Listening eech.​