
Właśnie wróciłeś z zakupów. Napisz e-mail do kolegi z Londynu.
W e-mailu:
* opisz zakupowe promocje;
* podaj, jakie sklepy odwiedziłeś;
* napisz, co kupiłeś, i jak za to zapłaciłeś.
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 12 słów.

Hi james,
I've just come back from a shopping trip.

Odpowiedź :


...It was great, I visited a lot of shops and bought some very nice things, but let me tell you about one. First I was in nexi, it's such a beautiful clothes store. I found the perfect pants for me and they were on promotion -70%. I was already standing at the cash register when it turned out that it was not possible to pay by card, so I started to run to the nearest ATM. I don't think I've ever run that fast, but I did it. I bought them. Attached he adds a photo. Regards XYZ




Hi James,

I've just come back from a shopping trip. I saw a lot of discounts, including shoes, winter jackets and hats. I was even going to buy something in one of a few clothes shops I visited, but I gave up. I also bought some sweets which were 40% off. Coming back I saw a great English dictionary in a bookshop which was reduced to 50% of its regular price so I couldn't resist and I bought it. I paid for everything in cash because I don't trust plastic and I'm afraid of being cheated.

Have you bought anything interesting recently?

