
Potrzebuje pomocy przy tym zadaniu z angielskiego

Potrzebuje Pomocy Przy Tym Zadaniu Z Angielskiego class=

Odpowiedź :


1.and bought an interesting..

2.leslie called to tell me she left her purse...

3.Carl had a showed after he fixed the Water...

4.Andrea practiced the piano.... .....before she entered the competition.

5.The children are sad... ....they lost their dog.

6.we dont have a problem... ...we already booked one..

7.Mary washed the dishes when a glass broke and cuted her finger.

8.he wasn't in a... ...he took the...

9.They realized they lost their and started to panic.

10.They made sandwiches... ...when I phoned them...

mam nadzieję że pomogłam :)