
Podane zdania zapisz w stronie biernej. 1. The Parkers bought a video camera. 2. The owner sells the house. 3. Someone broke into our car at the weekend. 4. He will repair our bikes. 5. They will buy our house. 6. Many teachers gave her god marks. 7. They looked at new pictures. 8. They solved all crosswords. 9. Jan Matejko painted this famous pictures. 10. The president announced a new holiday.​

OdpowiedĹş :

1. A video camera was bought by The Parkers

2. The house is sold by the owner

3. Our car was broken by someone at the weekend

4. Our bikes will be repaired

5. Our house will be bought

6. Good marks were given to her by many teachers

7.  New pictures were looked (?)

8. All crosswords were solved

9. Tis famous picture was painted by Jan Matejko

10. A new holiday was announced by the president


1. A video camera the Parkera bought

2. the hause owner sold

3. our car broker into someone at the weekend
