
Jak mógłbym poprosić aby ktoś odpowiedział na te pytania

1. In your opinion, does stress affect our health? Why?/Why not?
2. It is said that the more tests you take, the less stressful they get. Do you agree? Why?/Why not?
3. What are the disadvantages of taking written exams?
4. If you could, what would you change in your school-leaving exams and why?

Odpowiedź :


1. No, stress don't affect to our's health because to much stress make people just very nervous

2. Yes, I agree because it is like with for example training. It's because at first training you would be very stressed and your 69 training will be normal.

3. w tym akurat ci nie pomoge

4. I would change ours cafeteria and some teachers. Cafeteria I would change because its too small and very dirty. Teachers because some of them are very mean and stiff.


powinno byc dobrze, mozesz dac superke albo naj :)