
Napisz maila z reklamacją do sklepu elektrycznego, w którym dwa tygodnie temu zakupiłeś telefon. W mailu napisz:
- jakie masz problemy z telefonem i od kiedy one trwają
- czego oczekujesz od sklepu.

Odpowiedź :


Dear Manager,

I hope my email will find you well.

My name is Elizabeth Tylor, Account number 245-67-65, I am an Orange Customer since 2017.  I  never had any problems with the phones and service. About two weeks ago I got a phone in one of your stores in Wroclaw, and I have some problems with the voice mail set up. I have tried to record my message but it doesn't work for me. I follow the instruction on the Phone Manual, but my message is not saved. I went back to the main menu, I pressed zero (0): there were two options, the first one, - use your, Verizon's greetings, or my own, I tried to record. When I pushed "zero" I got disconnected. I tried a few times, but I was not successful. I would like someone to help me to set up my voice message greeting on my phone, and tell me how I can fix this problem.  You can call me at any time, my phone number is 65- 345-0909

I will really appreciate your help,

Thank You,

Kind Regards,

Elizabeth TYlor
