
Uzupełnij zdania 1-7 wyrażeniami z ramki. Do niektórych zdań pasuje zarówno would, jak i used to.

used to

didn't use to


did / use to

1 When we were children, Mum........... make cupcakes for our birthday parties.

2 ........... you.............help your mum in the kitchen?

3 We ...............have dessert after dinner, but now we usually do.

4 When I was younger, I............. love going home for lunch, but now I eat at school.

5 Grandma ..............tell us stories about the traditional foods people ate when she was a child.

6 Can you believe it? I............ like pizza, but now it is one of my favourite foods.

7 ...........they............. have broccoli or aubergine for dinner?​

Odpowiedź :


1. used to

2. did, use to

3. didn't use to

4. used to

5. used to

6. used to

7. did, use to