
W zadaniach 9.1.-9.5. spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obu zdaniach. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C

9.1. You'll never understand the lessons if you don't ..... attention.
The police stopped my dad for driving too fast and he had to ..... a fine.
A. give B. draw C. pay

9.2. I can't ..... up my mind about what to do this weekend.
Eleanor is very shy, so she finds it difficult to ..... friends.
A. meet B. do C. make

9.3. Jane and Chris have just got ..... .The wedding is next July.
I've tried phoning her, but she always seems to be ..... .
A. busy B. engaged C. married

9.4. The road was very narrow, so it was hard to turn the car ...... .
The guide who showed us .... the park was really interesting.
A. about B. round C. right

9.5. My brother and I have lots of fun - we get ..... really well.
After the band finished, the audience carried ...... clapping for ages.
A. away B. out C. on ​