
Napisz historyjke po angielsku:
-dlaczego wziąłes udział w konkursie.
-jakie niezwykłe zdarzenie miało miejsce podczas nagrywania filmu
-jaka była twoja reakcja na wiadomości o wygranej.

Odpowiedź :


I wanted to take a part of this contest, because it sound good. I didn't expect that will have videos or something like that. But that was AWESOME! I saw so much that I wouldn't see without this contest! for example; big spiders, what heigh had tree, whole school, two cities and i guess five galeries! I was very happy and I haven't expect that. I'd love to do this again. My reaction in my friend eyes was weird because he said that I was like: “woah! that's look so good! I'm in love with that!„ Teacher said the same thing. I want to feel this way that there again.

Nie wiem czy tak może być, ale przoszę=)