Odpowiedź :
Zadanie 1.
A. The science that deals with the way that goods and services are produced and sold is called economics.
B. The scientific study of languages is called linguistics.
C. A person who studies human cultures through observations and interviews is called an ethnographer.
D.A person who studies or teaches mathematics is called a mathematician.
E. If you want to prove a theory, you have to analyse the evidence first.
Zadanie 2.
1. Can you change the light bulb in this lamp? It's far too dark in here.
2. The battery in my electronic toothbrush is flat, so I can't clean my teeth.
3. After I had washed my hair, I realised I'd forgotten to pack a hairdryer.
4. Would you mind reading the second bullet point in the instructions and explaining how you understand it?
5. I spilled some coffee on the keyboard and a mouse mat with a photo of my dog on it. I couldn't remove the stains, so I will have to throw it away.
Zadanie 3.
Choose the correct words.
1. Students are improving their techniques in business management.
2. Just after you click on the install button, a new icon will appear on your screen.
3. Scientists carried out various experiments to prove that the device is safe for children under the age of 3.
4. The astronomers formulated their hypothesis and went on to test it.
5. Dr Dooley has worked as an exploration geologist for many years.
Słowniczek pojęć:
- economics - ekonomia
- linguistics - lingwistyka
- an ethnographer - entograf
- a mathematician - matematyk
- a light bulb - żarówka
- an electronic toothbrush - elektroniczna szczoteczka do zębów
- a hairdryer - szuszarka do włosów
- a bullet point - punktor w kształcie kropki
- a mouse mat - podkładka pod myszkę
- a technique - metoda, sposób robienia czegoś
- a screen - ekran
- to carry out - przeprowadzać coś
- to formulate - formułować, wyrażać cos
- to work as - pracować jako