
mam jutro mniec opis tego obrazku 7 zdani kogo widze
co robią
jak są ubran
gdzie sa (opis krajobrazu)
pogoda ​

Mam Jutro Mniec Opis Tego Obrazku 7 Zdani Kogo Widze Co Robiąjak Są Ubrangdzie Sa Opis Krajobrazupogoda class=

Odpowiedź :


I see the family which is mom, dad and two children- a boy and a girl. I see the sea behind them and some dunes too. In order to that, I assume they're walking along the beach. The parents are talking and the kids are running. The kids are wearing wellies. I think it's because the weather is cloudy and it's probable it'll start raining. They seem to spend happy time together.