potrzebuję pomocy szybko mam zadanie na angielskim proszę o pomoc

Zadanie 31
Hi Andy, i Just want to invite you on the concert.
Its Will be on this saturday. I know you like a k-pop music So i buy 2 tickets for us. This music show Will be in London/Katowice (sam* wybierz).
It's going to be really cool.
See you later ;) (twoje imię)
Zadanie 32
Today I was at a friend's match! That was really fun. I took some Pictures, later we go to shop because he need some water and candy. I buy a lollipop, 2 donuts, Orange juice and Cotton candy!! We came back to the pitch I was a little bored but then I joined the game and started playing with them. This day is reallyyy crazy. I love my friend!!
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam :D