
Napisz szereg zasad, jakich musisz przestrzegać pomagając nowym uczniom z Ukrainy, aby poczuli się w twojej szkole dobrze i komfortowo. Napisz zarówno o twoich obowiązkach, jak i działaniach, których nie można podejmować.

Odpowiedzi nie muszą być po angielsku, możecie napisać po polsku:)

Odpowiedź :

I understand that they are in a difficult situation. However, I think people tend to exaggerate and try to create an artificial environment where their well being would be the most important thing in the world. We can't forget that we are the society and we invite them which is very beneficial for them and it shouldn't be at the cost of our relationships I mean with our friends. I wouldn't feel well if my friend treated a just-met Ukrainian pupil much better that me.

So I believe that we should treat them normally, just like other pupils. Of course it wouldn't be OK to laugh at them or make jokes at them, but we shouldn't treat them as they were the centre of the world and most important people in our lives. I think we should be polite but they also need to try their best to be accepted not for being refugees but for being nice and friendly people.