
Napisz email do kolegi lub koleżanki
1. opisz swoje plany na nadchodzący weekend( pójść na spacer, pojechać na basen lub odwiedzić babcię)
2. wyraż swoją opinię na temat tych planów
3. zaproś kolegę lub koleżankę do domu
z góry dzięki!

Odpowiedź :



Hello! How are you today? I hope you're fine.

This weekend promises to be very interesting. On Friday after school I'm going for a walk, and when I come back I'll do my homework. At around 9 PM I'll go take a shower and go to sleep. On Saturday I'll go to grandma's place, and I'll be back home by the evening. On Sunday I'll go to the swimming pool.

What do you think about my plan? In my opinion, the weekend will be fun.

I have a suggestion. Would you like to come to my house after school on Monday? Please give me an answer as soon as you can. Goodbye, have a nice day!