
Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
Plis pilnie potrzebuję <3​

Napisz Pytania I Krótkie OdpowiedziPlis Pilnie Potrzebuję Lt3 class=

Odpowiedź :

1. Was Carla angry yesterday?
No, she wasn't.
2. Were the muffins in the fridge yesterday?
Yes, they were.
3. Were the muffins good yesterday?
Yes, they were.
4. Were the muffins next to the eggs yesterday?
No, they weren't.
5. Were the muffins next to the pizza yesterday?
Yes, they were.


I was - Byłam / byłem
You were - Byłaś / byłeś
He was - On był
She was - Ona była
It was - Ono było
We were - Byłyśmy / byliśmy
You were - Byłyście / byliście
They were - One były / Oni byli

Was I at school yesterday? - Czy byłam / byłem w szkole wczoraj?
Were you hungry? - Czy byłaś / byłeś głodna / głodny?
Was he upset? - Czy on był zdenerwowany?
Was she late for work? - Czy ona była spóźniona do pracy?
Was it good for you? - Czy to było dobre dla Ciebie?
Were we best friends last year? - Czy byłyśmy / byliśmy najlepszymi przyjaciółkami / najlepszymi przyjaciółmi w zeszłym roku?
Were you the best students two months ago? - Czy byłyście / byliście najlepszymi uczennicami / najlepszymi uczniami dwa miesiące temu?
Were they ready to run a marathon? - Czy one były / oni byli gotowe / gotowi, żeby biec w maratonie?


Was I at school yesterday? Yes, you were. / No, you weren't.
Were you hungry? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.
Was he upset? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn't.
Was she late for work? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.
Was it good for you? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.
Were we best friends last year? Yes, you were. / No, you weren't.
Were you the best students two months ago? Yes, we were. / No, we weren't.
Were they ready to run a marathon? Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.

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