
Ćwiczenia z angielskiego have/have not i must/ must not.
Potrzebuje odpowiedzi całym zdaniem.

Ćwiczenia Z Angielskiego Havehave Not I Must Must Not Potrzebuje Odpowiedzi Całym Zdaniem class=

Odpowiedź :

2. You don't have to pick me up from the station.

3. You must have skating lessons before you can play ice hockey.

4. You musn't drive on the left in Italy.

5. You have to wear a helmet when you go motor-racing.

6. You don't have to wear the team kit to practise.

7. Players must touch all the bases in order to score in baseball.

You have to go to football every weekend.

You don't have to pick me up from the station.

You must have skating lessons before you can play ice hockey.

You mustn't drive on the left in Italy.

You must wear helmet when you go motor-racing.

You don't have to wart the team kit to practise.

Players must touch all the bases in order to score in baseball.

You have to go to football practise every weekend.