
Pls ang kl 8
Do jutra do się naj

Pls Ang Kl 8 Do Jutra Do Się Naj class=
Pls Ang Kl 8 Do Jutra Do Się Naj class=

Odpowiedź :

Indirect speech. Reported questions.

Fill the gaps with reported questions.

  1. I asked the newspaper delivery girl if her job was part-time.
  2. I asked the app developer whether his new job would be exciting.
  3. I asked the social media influencer what  his favourite computer game was.
  4. I asked the babysitter when she had worked as a dogwalker.
  5. I asked the e-sport gamer which game had been the most difficult.
  6. I asked the dogwalker who he was talking to on the phone.

Transform given questions into reported questions.

  1. I asked him if he wanted to be an e-sport gamer.
  2. I asked him if he had any app developer qualifications.
  3. I asked him if his brother had worked in a factory.
  4. I asked her if she would like the job in the recycling centre.
  5. I asked her if her sister was working at a hospital
  6. I asked her if her sister had liked working at the airport.

Transform reported questions into direct questions.

Reported speech: The manager asked if I was OK.

Direct speech: "Are you OK?"

Reported speech: He asked me why I wanted the job.

Direct speech: "Why do you want this job?"

Reported speech: They asked her if she could do a phone interview on 31st October.

Direct speech: "Can you do a phone interview on 31st October?"

Reported speech: The manager asked her where she'd worked before.

Direct speech: "Have you (ever) worked before"?

Reported questions to pytania w mowie zależnej (indirect speech). Zdania pytające w mowie zależnej przyjmują szyk zdania oznajmującego.

W przypadku pytań typu "wh-questions" (where, when, who, how), szyk zdania będzie wyglądał następujaco:

wprowadzenie + wh-question + podmiot + orzeczenie + reszta zdania

Gdy mamy do czynienia z pytaniem zamkniętym (zczynającym się od operatora np. did, was), używamy szyku:

wprowadzenie + if/whether. + podmiot + orzeczenie + reszta zdania

W pytaniach w mowie zależnej stosujemy zmianę (tzw. cofnięcie) czasu.

Zmianom ulegają także zaimki i określniki.