Odpowiedź :
Napisz do zeszytu zadania z odpowiednią formą czasu Present Simple.
1. I am in a café now.
2. Does she play tennis every week?
3. They go to the cinema every Wednesday.
4. Is she a singer?
5. You find the weather here cold.
6. Are they on the bus?
7. Lucy rides her bicycle to work.
8. Why is he in France?
9. I don't play the piano often.
10. It isn't cold today.
11. We are from Portugal.
12. Do we make too much noise at night?
13. Where does Harry study?
14. Is it foggy today?
15. We aren't late.
16. They don't like animals.
17. Where are you?
18. He isn't an accountant.
19. Does the dog eat chicken?
20. She is my sister.
Słowniczek pojęć:
a café- kawiarnia
a singer - piosenkarz
a weather - pogoda
a bicycle - rower
noise - hałas
foggy - mgliście
an accountant - księgowy