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In which paragraph does the author
encourage both producers and buyers to decrease meat production and
reveal the amount of food given as animal feed?
list the negative environmental effects of raising animals?
predict a promising solution for the environment?
A. If we are fighting for clean energy, why don't we also start demanding Clean Meat? This need
can be satisfied by scientists who are working on alternative meat production methods. This new
meat does not come from dead animals, but is grown artificially in labs. Although it sounds like
a science-fiction story, it has become a reality. The first burger that was created in a lab has already
been tasted. How can such production help the Earth? It could prevent its further destruction
and stop the global climate crisis.
B. Conventional agriculture is designed to mass produce items such as meat, eggs and milk. It provides
most animal-based products to supermarkets. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to how animals
are treated in this process, and animals farmed in this way are not raised in suitable conditions.
The global increase of meat and fish consumption comes at a high cost to the billions of factory-
farmed animals. What is worse, farmed animals eat a lot of grain but ultimately produce little meat.
These tons of cereal could support twenty times more people, but are not available to the world's poor.
C. According to a recent United Nations report, it is crucial that we cut down on the amount of meat
and animal-based products we eat. This can also help reduce the number of factory-farmed animals
and save over 74 billion animal lives per year. Animal farming is responsible for 70% of global water
consumption and 15% of carbon gas emissions. These result from cutting down trees to create farm
land. The recent numbers of terrible wildfires and other disasters should give us enough reasons
to take action noW.