
Losy prymasa polski- Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w czasach Stalinizmu.
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Since 1948, the secular, communist authorities, with the help of priests, traitors to ecclesiastical unity, so-called 'patriots', destroyed church institutions and hampered the activities of the Church, priests and bishops: they were arrested, subjected to show trials and slandered in the press. Stefan Wyszyński, Bishop of Lublin and later Archbishop of Warsaw, Primate of Poland and Cardinal, stood up in defence of the Church. He pointed out the injustice of the orders of the communist administration, protested to the authorities for the wrongs done to the church, defended church institutions and priests. He wrote proclamations and intervened personally against every hostile step taken by the government.

In the period of rampant Stalinism, only Cardinal Wyszyński had the courage to stand up for Poland, for the nation.

His messages and protests to the government were widely read and absorbed by the people. They boosted national pride, gave strength to guard the rights of Poland, and raised hopes that if we had such a Primate, Poland would not die. The authorities could not bear him and arrested him.

He spent two years in prison. Efforts were made to bring him to a show trial and to prove that he was an agent of the Vatican. However, he was unsuccessful and was released from prison and given a place of detention, house arrest. Here he was placed in the house of the Sisters of the Nazareth. He was forbidden to perform any function, and the authorities arranged everything so that the faithful could not get to him.