
ćw 3 str 53 ćwiczenia Ułóż zgodnie z prawdą zdania . Zastosuj przymiotniki w stopniu najwyższym i wyższym .
Zdanie 2 gold/ silver/Platinum (expensive)
3 ostriches / penguins /giraffes (tall)
4 science / history / geography(interesting)
5 earth / mencury/Neptune(far from the sun)
6 i/my friend /our teacher (old)
7 pizza /chocolatte cake /sausages(nice)

Szkoła podstawowa

Odpowiedź :

gold is more expensive than silver but platnium is the most expensive 3 ostriches are taller than penguins but giraffes are the tallest 4 history is more intresting than science but geography is the most intresting 5 mencury is farer than earth but neptune is the farest 6 i am older than my friend but our teacher is the oldest 7 chocolattle cake is nicer than sausages but pizza is the nicest