
Abi: Can you whistle,Ted?
Ted: Yes, I can. I can whistle very well.
Abi: ___________ pictures of animals?
Ted: ____________. I can paint pictures of people, but I can't paint pictures of animals.
Abi: ____________________?
Ted: ____________. My brother can rollerblade fast!
Abi: ____________________?
Ted: ___________________. My cousins can't ice-skate but they can ski.

Jeśli można to jak najszybciej proszę​

Abi Can You WhistleTedTed Yes I Can I Can Whistle Very WellAbi Pictures Of AnimalsTed I Can Paint Pictures Of People But I Cant Paint Pictures Of AnimalsAbi Ted class=

Odpowiedź :

Uzupełnij dialog. Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.

Abi: Can you whistle,Ted?

Ted: Yes, I can. I can whistle very well.

Abi: Can you paint pictures of animals?

Ted: No, I can't. I can paint pictures of people, but I can't paint pictures of animals.

Abi: Can your brother rollerblade (fast)?

Ted: Yes, he can. My brother can rollerblade fast!

Abi: Can your cousins ice-skate?

Ted: No, they can't. My cousins can't ice-skate but they can ski.

Czasownik modalny "can".

Czasownik modalny "can" służy do wyrażania:

  1. Umiejętności (np. I can dance.).
  2. Możliwości (np. I can go with you.).
  3. Czynności postrzegania (np. I can smell/ I can hear itp.).
  4. Próśb (np. Can I go to the cinema, please?).