Przeczytaj przepis i wstaw brakujące słowa.
Recipe: How to make an omelette
- Beat 2 or 3 eggs in a bowl.
- Add salt and pepper.
- Melt the oil in a frying pan.
- Put the eggs into the pan.
- Lift the edges of the omelette to make sure everything's completely cooked.
- Now, add any additional ingredients of your choice - e.g. grated cheese, sliced ham, fresh herbs.
- Then serve.
Słowniczek pojęć:
recipe - przepis
(to) beat eggs in a bowl - wbić jajka do miski
(to) add - dodać
a frying pan - patelnia
(to) lift the edges - unieść brzegi
additional ingredients - dodatkowe składniki
a choice - wybór
grated - tarty
sliced - pokrojone / w plasterkach
herbs - zioła