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Tips • Użyj Brainy phrases.- są w załączniku,
Użyj zdań w czasie Past perfect.
Użyj zdania z dwoma dopełnieniami.

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Odpowiedź :

Hi Aileen,

Thanks a lot for your gift. I was so happy having unwrapped the box because I'd been dreaming about such a perfect dryer for years. You don't know how grateful I am.

Not to make rumble in the jungle, I'd say it was really OK. It started at 6 but at 5 a few my closest friends came. By the time the rest of my guests arrived, we had had small talks and quite nice time together. After all the warmest wishes I got, we had dinner and a cool time spent on joking and even dancing. At midnight a friend of mine organised a fireworks show. What a surprise! Later on we were singing and dancing.

I'd forget to say that Martha and Dorothy had given me a very nice silver necklace. It was such a cute moment that I cried a bit.

Drop a few words to me, please.

Hugs and kisses
