
przeczytaj ponizsze informacje o stypendium. Napisz list motywacyjny uzywajac wyrazen i konwencji w banku pisania, aby ci pomoc dolacz informacje aby stac sie idealnym kandydatem napisz od 150 do 180 słow
Mamy dwa stypendium dla studentów, ktorzy są zainteresowani polaczeniem wybranego przez siebie przedmiotu (mozliwe sa dowolne przedmioty) z programem anglistyki. Kandydaci musza miec dobre oceny akademickie i powinni intersowac sie muzyką teatrem lub kiną

Odpowiedź :

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am applying for your scholarship and I believe I am a perfect candidate meeting all your requirements and in addition having all qualities and personality making me the only best option for you to choose.

I am studying IT and I passed last year with flying colours. What is more, I am interested in English so I would love to take this course as my second one. I love literature and Shakespearean language sounds to me as natural as mother's tongue. I not only understand it but I feel it with all my nerves. It is not surprising that, apart from literature, I am aslo into theatre, music and cinematography.

Thanks to your scholarship I will be able to quit my temporary job and put more effort to learn more, which in consequence can make me more knowledgeable and maybe even get a better paid job in the future. I even think that such a perfect candidate should not do manual jobs such as dust collecting or being a bus boy at a restaurant. It may low your reputation. As you see, making me granted is also in your own business.

I am said to be a hard-working and honest person who gets engaged into everything what I do. Thus, I am sure, I will not let you down.

I am looking to your replay and I hope to be invited to an interview.


Paul Paulinowski